Jasons Thoughts - Archives

"Consider what I say, and may the Lord give you understanding in all things"...
2 Timothy 2:7...

A thought from Jason
April 22, 2000

And God was lonely….

It was a time of darkness. The ninth hour had come. He had been without sleep, without comfort, without a simple drink of water for nearly two days. Jesus lifted his bloody arms and sucked in the air with every bit of strength He had and said this, " Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God My God why have you forsaken Me? The Creator of this universe saw the door close. He saw the loneliness of having a guilt and sin-ridden life that would separate you from Him. God was lonely that afternoon.

Don't forget that everyone had left his side. His disciples ran in fear. His church, His rock had denied Him three times. He was accused of a crime that He didn't deserve to pay. He saw your face when he was laid on that cross. He thought of you every dying second that his lungs ached with pain. And finally it came down to this. He lost what he never wants to lose with you; a relationship with you.

The Father turned his back on His Son and Jesus felt what he never wants you to feel. A separation between God and man. Some people believed he was calling for Elijah, while others mocked Him by waiting to see if anything would happened. The scripture says that he called out with a loud voice.

Jesus was lonely, He was forsaken, He was forgotten and it broke His heart. Jesus wants you to know today that He wants to be with you. He wants you to know He rose from the grave because of you. When He breathed His last, it was for you, because He's been were He never wants you to be.

He wept for you, He was beaten for you, He withstood the insults for you, and He was thrown down and nailed to your cross for you. He experienced death so that you might live knowing that He loves you and never wants to leave you. All He asks is that you give your life to Him.

Life, what a friend we have in Jesus.
Death, what a gift we have in Jesus.
Resurrection, what a Savior we have in Jesus.

When He walked out of the tomb, He thought of you. And now He offers you life and an eternal walk with Him.

Can you see His Cross? It's empty!
Can you see the tomb? Its empty!
And its empty for your empty heart.

He wants to be with you; will you let Him come in?

Have a blessed day.... Jason

Continued later...

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